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Our policy is best summarized as "we don't care about _you_, we care about _them_", no emails, so no forgetting your password. You have no rights. It's like you don't even exist. If you publish material, I reserve the right to remove it, or use it myself.

Don't impersonate. Don't name someone involuntarily. You can lose everything if you cross the line, and no, I won't cancel your automatic payments first, so you'll have to do it the hard way. See how serious this sounds? That's how serious you're meant to take these.


Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
  • Your password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
  • Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Your password can’t be a commonly used password.
  • Your password can’t be entirely numeric.

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meth-myths Allowees: 1
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Muck Bung Dec. 2, 2024, 6:23 a.m. A muck bung is someone who is wearing 'too much' makeup, as judged in the eye of the beholder, and is considered 'bung' or broken or not worth having. A muck bang is someone who is still passable. 0
This word has no examples of it.
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This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
Government Official Dec. 2, 2024, 2:15 p.m. Code name for a criminal. 0
This word has no examples of it.
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This word has no story going for it.
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This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
Gain regret and shift the blame Dec. 4, 2024, 12:42 a.m. To gain regret and shift the blame is what happens when a woman for example thinks that being payed for sex is the realest best and truest form of love she can experience, and then after needing a pimp to protect her and then realising that means he can extort her to earn at least a certain amount each day or be 'punished' (free-use and no-limit consent), and doing it for years and years and then changing her mind way later and realising that it's not really love, and that she doesn't want to do it anymore so much to the point where she feels like she wished she never started doing it in the first place. And boom, she gains regret and shifts the blame and calls her pimp a human trafficker. She starts claiming "I never wanted this", when originally she would offer it as a transaction due to not being able to (or, more precisely, want to) source an income any other way. They regret their past so much that they can't possibly blame themselves and must manifest as much blame out possible. 0
This word has no examples of it.
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Ffffreedom Dec. 6, 2024, 2:58 p.m. Fake, false, and fictitious freedom. Used to imply that in a world full of responsibilities and natural physical laws, like the need to eat to survive and the need to reproduce to live on into the future, there are many things that it should become obvious to all that are inherently counter-productive. "Choice" as the reasoning for abortion, rather than being reserved only removing negatives. Or "Love" as the reasoning for LGBT+, rather than being seen as hedonic false pleasure as it leads to no reproduction. 0
This word has no examples of it.
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This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
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This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
Bbbbigotry Dec. 6, 2024, 4:47 p.m. Bastardised belief bashing, used when someone uses the word "bigotry" to mean that their beliefs are just as valid as yours, even though they aren't part of a religion and don't actually consider anything fundamentally a belief. 0
This word has no examples of it.
This word has no similar phrases or sub-connections to it.
This word has no un-hinged translations from or to it.
This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
Ddddiscrimination Dec. 6, 2024, 6:25 p.m. Dumbly defined: descriptions as discrimination. Before racism was the thing, it was prejudice, before prejudice it was discrimination. And what is discrimination? The ability to recognise a pattern. And nothing more. Say women can't do as good a job, or that blacks, or certain religions or whatever. It's all just a bullshit misnomer for squashing the freedom to make your own decisions. So if I'm hiring for a 12 year old in a film, is it age discrimination to say no to an 80 year old? etc etc. ANYTHING that describes you is a valid reason to discriminate against you.. 0
This word has no examples of it.
This word has no similar phrases or sub-connections to it.
This word has no un-hinged translations from or to it.
This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
This word has no specified way to pronounce it.
Needa Dec. 6, 2024, 8:51 p.m. A needa is someone who over accentuates their desperation for that of need. They want and envy so much of what other types of people have, that the minute they feel like they can get away with it, they'll break into every store on the street and steal everything they can get away with and leave the place a mess. Unless they are completely surrounded by another culture group and adapt to their way of life, and some lucky cross-breeding genetics, they return to their karmic civilisational downfall. Eventually they take pride in things just because it's from someone else who is also a needa. 0
This word has no examples of it.
This word has no similar phrases or sub-connections to it.
This word has no un-hinged translations from or to it.
This word has no story going for it.
This word has nothing related to it made aware of.
This word has no space to talk about.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
Death aint certain, death me yesterday, damn you dead, oh shit pot luck. Bleed after me, drain my blood, bleed bloood blood aint free, bleed for purpose, pleasure for glory, bleed unto us, bleed unto, blood unto blood, blood unto bloarders, blood unto bleeding, blood is bloody, bloody aint bleeding, bleeding bleeding, blood is blood, bleeding bleeding, blood blood, bleeding bleeding blood bleeding bleeding blood. Tooth in nail. Nail in board. Board in nail. Nail in head. Head in nail. Nail in head. Head to nail. Nail the head. Head the nail. Islain snail. Snail the head. Head the snail. sail the head. head to sail. sail a head. buy a booby, bitches is nudey, nude is dudey, dudi nuti. Nuti duti. Duti nuti. Nute the duti. Dute nuti. Isna nuti, nisna nute nit nuti nute ti duti duti duti ti nuti. tit ti nuti nute de duty duty nuti nuti duty. islain misnail snail misnail snail misnail snail snail. snail his snail. his snail is snail. he sa snail. sa snail da mail. mail da snail. snail da mail. mail da mail. snail snail. isno snow snail ne now. now ne snail. isna nail.